Organization Model Ex D.Lgs. 231/2001
TEXBOND has adopted a set of regulations, processes and procedures designed to prevent crimes through the application of an appropriate management and control system.
More specifically, the Company adopted an “Organization, Management and Control Model” pursuant to article 6 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/01, constantly updated according to the organizational and regulatory changes (as recorded in the minutes dated 17/07/2019 and updated to the latest revision).
In compliance with the provisions of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/01, article 6, par. 1 b, a specific corporate body (the Supervisory Board) has been set up to continuously monitor the Company’s effective application and its observance of Model 231, as well as update it by proposing to the Sole Administrator any modification and/or supplement required by Law.
The Supervisory Board currently in office has been renewed by resolution of the Board of Directors on September 30th 2020 and it is composed by a member designated by the Company based on his adequate preparation, professionalism and experience. Furthermore, he holds independent powers of initiative and control, pursuant to article 6 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/01. The Supervisory Board is currently entrusted to Alberto Cunaccia, attorney of the Court of Trento, Italy.
TEXBOND deemed it appropriate to adopt and implement its own Code of Ethics to define a set of ethical and professional values and guidelines to which the company aspires in carrying out its activities and their optimization in terms of efficiency.
This Code of Ethics aims at moralizing relations both within and outside the company framework, as well as optimizing them in terms of efficiency, in order to ensure uniform standards of behavior and uphold company’s positive reputation.
In performing its activities and pursuing its own purposes, the Company, through its internal control system, verifies and ensures compliance with laws and corporate procedures.
Any actor (as specifically listed in the Code of Ethics) working directly or indirectly with TEXBOND must comply with the principles of correctness, transparency and objectivity in the performance of its activities and responsibilities.