Code of Ethics
Texbond is a manufacturer of nonwoven webs whose mission is to create value in the full respect of the legitimate interest of all its stakeholders. All Texbond’s activities are socially responsible, ethical, unbiased, fully compliant with the applicable regulation and are informed by transparency in the relationship with the employees, guarantee their safety and encourage sustainable behavior.
Any business relationship must be conducted with integrity and free from conflicts of interest.
Texbond fully agrees on the principles of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), respects The International Labour Organization’s Fundamental Conventions (ILO standards) and The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The Code of Conduct is the guideline any Texbond’ employee must follow and implement while acting to achieve the individual and enterprise objectives.
Texbond actively encourages business partners to the full compliance of this Code of Conduct and does not entertain any commercial relationship with parties openly refuse to comply to it.
Conflicts of Interest must be avoided by any employee, in particular whenever family and financial interests could be even apparently involved. Any possible occasion suspected of incurring in such conflicts must be reported to the Human Resources manager.
Employees are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information entrusted to them as a result of their roles within the Company, except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated, and must safeguard Texbond’s confidential information and not disclose it to a third party.
Texbond does not tolerate corruption in whatever form it might occur. All employees must act with honesty, integrity and conform to national or international regulations against corruption.
The management of Texbond is fully aware of the fundamental importance of competitively organized markets and consequently comply with applicable competition law and not disturb or hinder legitimate competition in any anticompetitive manner.
As part of is typical business activity Texbond acquires and treats a relevant amount of sensitive and personal information. The treatment of personal and private information fully complies with the applicable law and conforms with the best practice of data processing. The information technology equipment and the relevant procedures are adequately designed in order to guarantee a high level of data security.
In conformity with the principles informing its conduct, Texbond promotes the protection of the fundamental human rights.
Texbond rejects the use of forced labor, bonded or other forms of forced labor and child labor. Persons under the prescribed minimum work age, in accordance with applicable law, are not recruited and the collaboration with suppliers not committing to the same conduct is not permitted.
Texbond recognizes and respects the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining. In conformity with the applicable law, employees are free to join the preferred trade union and to elect their representatives within the work organizations.
Texbond offers to all employees equal opportunity of professional growth and guarantees that recruitment, education, pay, promotion and termination of the work collaboration are treated to in accordance with the job function. Texbond rejects any form of discrimination of race, gender, age, nationality or religion, disability or physical condition and opinion.
Texbond does not tolerate any form of harassment or mobbing both at work or outside the boundaries of the company, and promotes the protection of the dignity of the person regardless race, gender or physical characteristics. Employees must avoid any unrespectful behavior. Intimidation and offence are not tolerated as well.
Salaries, wages and benefits conform to the National and Corporate Collective Bargaining Agreement
Texbond has implemented and continuously improves a health and safety at work policy It is based on preventive actions, at an individual and collective level, in order to minimize the accident risks and create an increasingly appropriate working environment. Texbond actively promotes a culture of prevention, organizing specific training courses for all the employees. Any employee must be personally responsible of complying with all the prevention measures in place in order to protect the individual and collective safety.
Environmental protection is fundamental principle informing and driving Texbond processes which are continuously reviewed in an ongoing improvement practice, as stated by the internal Environmental Management System. Texbond’s EMS main objective is the maximum efficiency in the use of any resource.
Texbond commits to market safe and environmental friendly webs, in compliance with the most restrictive regulation applicable, and intends to maintain an high level of investment for the development of even more efficient production processes, saving energy and raw materials.
All Texbond employees must interact with customers, suppliers and the public with transparency and loyalty in full compliance with the corporate Code of Conduct principles.
Customer satisfaction is a pillar of the Texbond business practice. The relationship with the customer must be informed by honesty, transparency and professional integrity, regardless any difference in size or importance.
Suppliers are partners with a key role in the process of achieving customer satisfaction. For that reason the supplier selection process has been designed in order to asses capabilities in any business aspects and in terms of compliancy with the principle the present Code.
To the public institutions, in particular governmental agencies, must be provided extensive collaboration in compliancy with the principles of the present Code. Texbond believes in the social importance of innovation and thus offer the maximum collaboration also to Universities and other Institutions actively promoting Research or education activities.
Texbond devotes the maximum attention to public relation in order to guarantee the utmost transparency and plainness of the corporate information provided.